Animals are not clowns.

It’s interesting to see an elephant standing on his hand, or a lion jumping inside fire, or a monkey riding a bicycle, but no one know how they feel and what they are going through. The animals that are used in circuses have survived stress, and abuse. They take videos and photos to show people that animals are happy while doing their moves, but they are not. The reality is that they abuse them to do the right move.

Animals spend most of their life traveling in a cage from a country to other countries only for shows. Can you imagine yourself in a small cage, you can’t walk or run only you can sit, sleep and eat! I’am sure that you can’t, so because of this you should stop going to circus.

They take the animals away from their mother at young age to train them, to let them be professional in their moves and never disappoint them and the people who watch the show. However, this distance between a baby animal and his mother bring, illnesses, depression.  animals are very social in their nature and happy.

Why can’t they let them happy like this? Safe, and where they belong. It’s hard to be away from your family, and from your nature. Everyone belongs were they meant to be.  

I really hope one day I wake up to a news about stopping animal circuses. I think as a community we can stop this issue together by boycott animal circuses, and try to do awareness campaigns.
I don’t know if we have animal circuses in UAE, but if we have and people go I think that they must think if they are doing the right thing for the animals, and if they are spending their money in a right way. You will give them a chance to live a new life.


B. (2015, October 01). Retrieved September 15, 2017, from


  1. Nice, i agree with your idea, people should stop use animals in the circuses

  2. Very interesting and touching topic! I'm definitly on your side with stopping animal circuses.


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