Stop animal testing, and stop visiting circus and zoos.

we should help to stop animal testing, circus and zoos. in my opinion i think that this is animal abuse and we must stop it, it happens every day and everywhere. by supporting each other and being as one hand we can help them. the reasons that millions of animals are getting hurt or killed, from the smallest animals to the biggest animals is careless, and as i said in the beginning of my blog animal testing, animal circus and animal zoos.
No one in the whole world would want to see his pet getting hurts, so we should help to stop things that hurting animals and. it's all about time we can make difference in the world if we want something, so why we don't step forward into saving an protecting our animals and let them were they belong?

There are many reasons why we should stop it. Firstly animal testing, circus and zoos, it’s unethical because there are not ours to try on them and let them feel pain, fear and loneliness. Secondary, animal teasing is waste of time, because I don’t think that animal skin is the same as human skin to experiment on. Also visiting animals in zoos is waste of time you could go to a better place with your kids, or a place that they will learn from it. I read in the internet this words and I felt so sad, because whats happening to animals after a fail experiment of course they die or they feel sick, “ Currently, 9 out of 10 experimental drugs fail in clinical studies, because we cannot accurately predict how they will behave in people based on laboratory and animal studies”. I thinks that someone give lectures, to show them how animals in danger and what is happening to them.

here in UAE most of people like fashion, and to be style. And many brands uses animal fur or leather to manufacturing bags and clothes. So I think that they must put a law or something that will course people form buying clothes and bags from fur and leather.

Pic 2:

Their are many websites that helps animals. Such as, SPCA international “", wings for conservation" and many others worldwide websites you could find that helps animals from abusing.

This is a short adorable video to show you how this lion family are safe together and were they actually belong.


Our history Tweet. (n.d.). Retrieved October 09, 2017, from

Bel, P. (2016, December 12). Brand New Silver/Black/White Fox Fur Jacket/Stroller/Coat. Retrieved October 09, 2017, from

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