Animals rights

Saving animal from animal testing, zoos and animal circus is one of my dream that I wish it happens.
Animal testing is an experiment to show that animals is forced to try something on their body that causes harm, pain and diseases. Not only using medicines on their bodies, also using make- up and skin creams on them, also using their fur and leather for fashion. Zoos is a place that they keep different kinds of animals in a cage to let people see them, but we do not know what’s happening inside, we don’t know how they feel. Animal circus is a show that they train animals to do different moves, we do not know how they train them and how they treat them.

In this blog am going to write about animal testing, zoos and animal circus and how it’s a problem in the world and it need solving but some people are not feeling this. I choose this topic to show people that animals have feeling and they can feel pain, also that animals are not ours to experiment on, and this is unfair for them, and to show how its harmful for the environment. Also, In the blog am going to talk to people who support animal testing, and who like to buy clothes and bags that made with fur and leather. therefore, am going to write specifically about animal testing with fashion, medicines, make up. Also, am going to write about zoos and animal circus and how its harmful for the animal

I think it’s interesting to know about this topic because we should know what’s happening to them after the experiment and to know what they feel, also I think it interesting to know the reality inside every laboratory and to try to stop it. Also, it’s interesting to know about zoos and how animals feel inside this cage, and how they train them to do the shows in perfect ways

I think people in UAE need to know about this issue because they like fashion and make up, and we need awareness campaigns to tell people about the products that use animal testing for their search and brands that use animal fur and leather for bags, also to tell them the risk from zoos and animal circus.


 * Zoos

* Animal testing

link about Animal circus:


  1. its very sad how they treat the animals, i agree with your blog


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